1 About

This is an analysis book written in Markdown. The purpose is to keep track of analyses and summarize findings, while decluttering from result vs. code.

1.1 Usage

Each bookdown chapter is an .Rmd file. This .Rmd is migrated from the git repository cue-expectancy cue-expectancy and specifically from the folder step02_R. Each .Rmd file was developed as a standalone analysis pipeline. Once validated, the identical .Rmd is migrated to the bookdown folder and edited for bookdown compiling.

1.2 Order

  • Behavioral analysis
  • Reinforcement learning simulations
  • fMRI analysis (signatures)
  • fMRI FIR time series analysis

1.3 TODO

  • create behavioral file - tedious and not reproducible to compile a dataframe everytime
  • create script for converting column names